Letter to God…
I, Yunho am worried…My grandmother is very sick. If my grandmother is sick, my mother will be heartbroken. I like my grandmother a lot too. Please let her be well! If you do, I will really try my best…I’ll live helping others who are having a hard time. Oh yeah! Is my grandfather doing well? I was really hurt when my granfather left (passed away) first but…it would be nice if it didn’t hurt too much now. I need to study hard and later go to a good college and also need to take care/be good to my parents but…just worry all the time and…I’m confused as to what is what…I want (expect) a lot of things right? I’m just talking about me…but what do you look like, if I will be able to meet you….that’s why I don’t know your worries (I think he’s trying to say he doesn’t even know what God looks like or even be able to meet him so how could he possibly know what God’s worries might be)…God, I’m getting tired all of a sudden so I’ll stop writing! God, you’re not only mine. Please take care of everyone around me. I’ll write again. Then, goodbye…
Awwww---Yunho is this sweet until now right? ^^
Credit: lovelyyunho@soompi
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